- I worry too much
- I focus too much on the future
- I'm too impatient
- I don't speak my mind when I should
- I get scared of what might happen
- I talk too much, but never do anything about it
- I worry too much of what the future holds
- I complain too much without doing anything about it
- I take my friends for granted
- I don't focus enough on what's important
- I focus too much on stuff that doesn't matter
- I lack motivation
I picked up information about studying for my graduate degree in Australia today. The school wouldn't give me what I want in the long run, but now it's got me thinking about pursing my degree in another country. There's one thing that holds me back. And I don't think I'd ever do it because of that one thing...It's got me thinking. But, I have another two full years before I have to start applying to schools. Who knows where I'll be then. Maybe by 2011 it won't be a huge deal to study on the other side of the world....
Everything you think and feel right now is absoulutely beautiful, normal, and neccesary. When I get into times like this, I try really hard to think about how boring life would be if we didn't have tests like this; trying times that get us thinking and worried and wondering and excited for the future!
I just wanted to say, and I mean this in all the best, I'm not trying to sound like an old lady know it all, (cuz you know, I'm old haha) that you will keep feeling like this all through college. Hopefully throughout your LIFE! Life is constantly changing, so sometimes it's hard not to feel like you're teeter tottering. It's actually a beautiful thing, and as hard as it may be sometimes, it's a blessing!
Australia would be sooo awesome! My advice: (from someone who is NOT school minded and really isn't feeling that passionate about the choices she made) look at EVERY chance you get as an absolutely do-able one. You can find a way to do ANYTHING, and who knows what may come of it! :)
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