Thursday, January 21, 2010

Seems about time...

I've been wanting for some time now to actually get on here and update, but it seems like my crazy hectic life prevents me from doing anything not already ingrained into my normal routine. Maybe I can practice my Psychological skills and create this into a long does it take? 21 Days? I should know this seeing as I'm slowly becoming an "expert" on the brain and behavior. I have to say that I really do enjoy it however. It's fascinating to go to class every day and learn something new and exciting about how my body really works to perform different functions. Learning that, yes, I really do use 100% of my brain and it does miraculous things! (PS-Don't believe Pierre Flourens, you use all of your brain, not just 10%, silly man)

This semester I seem to be really getting into what being a Psychologist is all about, the brain and behavior. I'm finally starting to feel that when I leave this Tech savvy institute I really will know something about Psychology. Last semester I learned about all the ways we as humans can be messed up and "crazy" by learning about Abnormal disorders of the body. Depression, sleep disorders, sexual disorders to name a few mild ones. Then Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, and different personality disorders. It's all such a fascinating subject. And then there was my class on all these famous men (and a few women) who made Psych what it is today: a fastly growing science. So many of these people did things I consider incredible. Some of these people were not only noted Philosophers, but Mathematicians, Physicists, and even map-makers. Talk about busy lives! Most of them were bi-lingual, and had received multiple degrees.

However, now it's getting down to the science of Psychology, and it's really what I love. How our neurons work inside our body to fire messages back and forth to tell my body to do something. How complex it really is to learn and remember facts and all the different aspects of my nervous system working together so that I can see this computer screen and remember where the keys are to type. Did you know it's actually harder to think than it is to see? Our brain is so complex, but yet it's not wired for the task of thinking! It's set to memorize, not to think, which is why it's easier to do math when you've memorize your multiplication tables than to start fresh every time. Your brain takes much longer to contemplate answers when it doesn't have memory to backup it's ideas. However, in a sense seeing is more complicated! But, your brain is wired to help you see. All the neurons in your head fire to send that image from your retina to the exact center in your brain where it will read the information before sending it to another area to tell you what you're seeing. This occurs in a matter of seconds! But we can't program computers to do it for us, because it's too complex for them! Seeing, moving, hearing, all these mental processes take complex strategies that sometimes change, and you can't program a robot to contemplate a situation and decide what angle is best for it to paint a car part at (which is why they arrive at the painter in the same position every time), or if there is an error in the part it's seeing. This is why humans are still around in these processes.

It really is fascinating what the brain can do!


Detroit Tourist said...

You are a dork & I miss you dearly :) I hope I get to see you before you head off to NC.

<3 Corissa

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